DSM Capital Partners US Growth Equities


  • Portfolio of quality companies with high predictable earnings growth that are attractively valued.
  • 1 team, 1 philosophy, 1 investment approach!
  • Concentrated, high active share, strict valuation discipline.
  • Employee owned, investing own private wealth in strategy.

Why DSM Capital Partners for US Large Cap Growth Equities?

  • 22 years track record in managing Quality Growth portfolios only
  • Stable and experienced investment team
  • ESG fully integrated in investment process

Who is DSM Capital Partners?

DSM was founded in 2001 and has their headquarters in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. DSM manages USD 6.4 Billion in Global and US Large Cap Growth Equities with a team of 9 investment professionals.

ESG Integration

ESG is an important part of DSM’s investment process and is fully integrated into its stock selection, monitoring, and selling processes.  DSM assigns a proprietary ESG score to every company that it researches.

Principal Investment philosophy

Concentrated portfolios of carefully selected equity securities of quality companies –those that demonstrate predictable earnings growth and are attractively valued –hold potential for long-term outperformance of broad market indexes.