Coho ESG US Large Cap Equities


  • Portfolio of companies that provide downside protection during difficult periods and competitive upside participation
  • 1 team, 1 philosophy, 1 investment approach!
  • Concentrated, high active share, very low turnover
  • Employee owned, investing own private wealth in strategy

Why Coho for US Large Cap Equities?

  • 23-year track record of managing US Large Cap Value Equities with only 80% of benchmark volatility.
  • True diversifier in your portfolio due to contrarian performance pattern (outperformance in down-markets).
  • One of few US Value oriented managers with ESG fully integrated in investment process.

Who is Coho Partners?

Coho Partners, founded in 1999, is an independent employee owned boutique manager located close to Philadelphia. Coho manages almost 10 billion USD, mostly institutional assets.

Coho Partners Commitment to ESG

The integration of ESG considerations into the investment process is a natural extension of the investment approach. The investible universe defined by Coho, consists of companies explicitly chosen because of their long history of stable business models, solid growth, excellent management teams and shareholder friendly practices. These high quality companies tend to have high levels of awareness and engagement in sustainable practices and good governance making the proprietary ESG evaluation methodology complementary to the core philosophy and process.

Principal Investment philosophy

Coho’s investment philosophy is based on the premise that the most effective way to create and sustain wealth in the equity markets is to achieve an asymmetric pattern of returns over time, where the portfolio demonstrates a down market capture considerably less than its up-market capture. This combination should ultimately provide an opportunity for better than market performance over an economic cycle, with less than market risk.